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The long-term side effects of the
SSRIs, like Zoloft and Paxil, are fairly benign for adults. In general, they
may cause weight gain or interference with sexual function. In some cases,
sleep disturbance may be a long-term effect. A few people also complain of
losing their normal range of emotions and may describe their feelings as numb.
When SSRIs are combined with a number
of other drugs, other concerns may arise, such as the increased risk of liver
toxicity. This risk is most likely in a small subset of the population (about 5
to 10%) who has a genetic predisposition to poor metabolism of medications.
Women who want to become pregnant or
breast-feed should consult with their physicians or pharmacists regarding
taking any of these medications. There can be adverse consequencess on the
developing fetus or the nursing child. The long-term effects of these drugs on
children and adolescents are less well-known.
Of course, if a person develops other
illnesses and/or takes other kinds of medicines, the side effect profile might
change considerably. Again, it is wise to consult with your physician.
Source: The Anxiety Answer Book by: Laurie A. Helgoe, PhD, Laura R. Wilhelm, PhD, Martin J. Kommor, MD
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